Thursday, 13 September 2007

Day 228

Quote for Today:
"A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools." Spanish Proverb

So today, I went for a brisk walk for 1 1/4 hour with my partner, James, instead of going to the gym. It was a beautiful day and I loved being outdoors. I am glad that I have had this time to establish a routine of self-care before the new term begins. I am a College Lecturer and start work again next week. Teaching is very demanding. In order to be effective you have to spend a good deal of time planning and preparing each class, not to mention filling out a millions forms required by the bureaucracy. Even with classess I've taught before it is important (to me anyway) to update and refine my class structure and material, to keep things fresh and interesting for myself and my students.

I am a loner - a creature of solitude really, but I enjoy the time and interaction I have with my students. I like to think of my class as an oasis where my students can feel completely safe, relaxed and comfortable asking questions and taking risks.

Tomorrow I will be putting the finishing touches to my preparations for next week and hopefully I can have a nice relaxing weekend.

B - 406
1 cup of yogurt - 260
1 cup of pineapple - 103
1 tbls of agave - 43

L- 311
140 g tofu - 201
2 cups of soup- 110

D - 428
1 cup yogurt - 260
1 tbls. agave - 43
3 cups mixed vegetables - 115
1tbls. fat - 100

S - 103
1 cup of pineapple - 103

Calories - 1248
Exercise - 1 1/4 hr. walk
4 cups of water


  1. I love the quotes! So, you are a college lecturer, how exciting! I did have an idea you did something along those lines!

  2. I hope you had somewhere beautiful to walk. My husband and I used to walk the dikes down by the shore... They're in a wild life refuge and we always saw lots of alligators. Once I counted over a hundred, but lost count about halfway through our walk.

    Enjoy your first week back!

  3. I think that the walk was a good choice. Thats a nice treat for you.

  4. Wow, you only ate 1248 calories?? How did you do it?? I feel deprived and I am averaging 3000!! Keep on doing it!!


What's it all about Alfie?